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CAMMBRIDGE, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Out of all the cities in the United States, Cambridge has found itself at the top of the leaderboard for the best city to live in.
The ranking report came from the reviewing site Niche, which placed The Woodlands, a suburb in Texas, above Cambridge for the number one spot. According to Niche, the rankings were placed based on factors of overall livability, including quality of local schools, crime rates, housing trends, employment statistics, and access to amenities to name a few.
For nightlife, Niche graded each city based on their access to bars, restaurants, movie theaters, and percentage of residents that are aged 18 to 34-years-old.
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But a local construction worker named Greg told WBZ NewsRadio's Jim MacKay that Cambridge's high ranking came as no surprise to him.
"It kind of reminds me of a miniature New York, with the history of Cambridge and the nightlife on Central Square," Greg said.
Niche said they ranked 228 cities and 18,515 towns and neighborhoods. The reviewing site said that they aim to provide data to help students and residents find their ideal place to live, crunching numbers from the Department of Education, United States Census, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to come up with their leaderboards.
The website also has separate rankings for places in the U.S best suited for K-12 and College educations.
WBZ's Jim MacKay (@JimMacKayOnAir) reports.
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