Cambridge Residents Taking Issue With "No Right On Red" Rule

Photo: James Rojas/WBZ NewsRadio

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) —  Some Cambridge residents are taking issue with the city’s 'no turn on red' rule at all of the city’s intersections.

The rule applies to all drivers and cyclists in Cambridge.

Officials say the rule is designed to create a safer community by reducing fatalities and serious injuries on city roads.

Some residents however say that while the rule is effective, it should not apply to every intersection.  

“The busier [intersections] I could see a no turn on red. But at intersections that aren’t that busy, I could see that you should be able to turn on red,” said one resident.  

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Other residents support the “no right on red” rule for safety reasons but feel that some could pay closer attention when behind the wheel. 

“I think it's good, it's safer in general, but people don’t follow it,” said another resident.  

The same resident was asked by WBZ NewsRadio if he believed the rule should also apply to cyclists.  

“I think so. There’s a lot more bikers now so I think it’s fair for everybody to follow the rules,” he said.  

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Residents also believe that the signs at every intersection are directly related to the number of accidents in the city.  

“There’s a reason why they’re putting them up. It’s people getting hit. If people weren’t getting hurt, I don’t think they’d be putting up the signs,” a resident said.  

The 'no turn on red' initiative comes from a two-year plan to prioritize safety, reduce crashes, and enhance transportation efficiency in the city.  

WBZ's James Rojas (@JamesRojasMMJ) reports. 

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