Photo: Jim MacKay/WBZ NewsRadio
PLYMOUTH, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — As spring gets underway, it also means that it is crunch time for summer camp sign ups. For the long-running Camp Bournedale in South Plymouth, it could be the last year of those signups, at least under the current owners, who have been keeping the camp afloat and operational for 38 summers! The camp is a picturesque scene, overlooking the beautiful Great Herring Pond and gorgeous landscaping too, the crew at Camp Bournedale is getting the grounds ready, for what is expected to be another busy season.
“I’ve been here 38 years, [the camp] was started in 1939 as a boys overnight summer camp and has [since] evolved over the years,” said Darin Fabrizio, co-owner of Bournedale.
While Darin and his wife have loved running the camp and have had a strong attachment to the place and the community, they are ready to move on and free themselves of the burden and sell the camp to the next leaders.
“We’ve had a lot of interest [with] companies coming in and looking at it for just that type of thing [to] create their own [memories and legacy],” Fabrizio added.
In addition to just summer camp, Bournedale is home to retreats and nature’s classroom programs as well. With all that the camp represents, the Fabrizio’s are eagerly looking for not just the next leaders, but the right ones too.
WBZ's Jim MacKay (@JimMacKayOnAir) reports.
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