Cardinal O'Malley Calls For Solidarity And Connectedness, Not Fear

BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — As places of worship are closed for public safety, the Archbishop of Boston, Cardinal Seán Patrick O'Malley, delivered a virtual message to his flock about isolation, community, and faith.

"We need to take care of each other, especially by reaching out to the elderly and the most vulnerable," O'Malley said in a video.

O'Malley asks that people be motivated by "a sense of solidarity and connectedness," not "fear and self-preservation." He likened the current climate to that after the September 11 attacks.

Cardinal O'Malley

Although masses have been cancelled, O'Malley says priests are using social media to stay connected with their parishes and they're praying for them — even from afar.

"You are all spiritually united in these masses," O'Malley said.

The Archbishop asked that Catholics pray the rosary while staying inside their homes, citing the Catholic chemist Louis Pasteur.

"It's a prayer that can be prayed by the simplest peasant or the smartest scientist," O'Malley said.

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