Chocolate Expo Returns For Another Delicious Weekend In Wilmington

Photo: Kendall Buhl/WBZ NewsRadio

WILMINGTON, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — A mouth-watering event for chocolate lovers returns to the Shriners Auditorium in Wilmington this weekend.

The Chocolate Expo runs from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, with dozens of vendors offering a wide array of delicious, chocolatey treats.

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"Chocolate, as part of an overall balanced diet, can be good, but it’s okay to also indulge sometimes, and there’s a lot of indulging that’s gonna go on here," expo creator Marvin Baum told WBZ NewsRadio Friday.

Baum said the expo is a way to sample chocolates from all over the world and keep up with the latest trends.

"Dubai chocolate is one of the hot items now, so of course we have that here," Baum said. "We have chocolates from Lebanon, we have chocolates from Ecuador, we have chocolates from all over the world, as well as locally produced chocolates."

"Chocolate fixes everything," said chef Lawrence Rosenberg, associate producer at the expo. "It’s very calming, it’s relaxing, it puts people in a good mood. It’s almost like you’re getting a hug."

Rosenberg is also the man behind Bacon Bites, a brand of chocolate-covered bacon products.

"If you eat a chocolate-covered pretzel, which people are used to and they like, this is sweet and salty, but it’s got that smoke, and it’s actual bacon, it’s real bacon. It’s crazy," Rosenberg said.

It may be crazy, but it is also wildly popular. According to Rosenberg, he goes through "about 100,000 pounds of bacon a year and half a million pounds of chocolate."

Tickets for the Chocolate Expo can be purchased here.

WBZ's Kendall Buhl reports.

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