Photo: City of Boston
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — Boston residents are speaking up about an electronic billboard shining a little too brightly in Roxbury.
The billboard at the intersection of Albany Street and Frontage Road, near the O'Neill Tunnel, is the subject of a light pollution complaint filed with Boston 311 on Jan. 1.
"Light pollution from billboard. I am not exactly near this board, but the light from it lights up my house and colors the whole place. This must be able to be turned down, please!" the complaint reads.
While the sign is not noticeable during the day, nighttime is a different story for anyone in its direction.
"The light just comes in every window, it bounces off of other houses and lights up the house," said Cliff, who lives in the South End. "They don't need to be this bright, and they don’t need to be shining this brightly all night long."
"Very frustrating," another person told WBZ NewsRadio.
Neighborhood residents says the complaints will continue until something is done about it.
"There’s a way to get your voice to be heard, your complaint can be heard," said Cliff's neighbor Tom.
WBZ's Jim MacKay (@JimMackayOnAir) reports.
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