Photo: Getty Images
CONCORD, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — The last time an unknown work of German artist Albrecht Dürer was discovered was 1932, but a family in Concord has found another at a local estate sale.
Dr.Christof Metzger, chief curator at the Albertina Museum in Vienna and expert on Dürer's Renaissance work, said the uncovered drawing "The Virgin and Child with a Flower on a grassy Bench" was an authentic piece after inspecting it himself.
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"I'm 100% sure that this drawing is done by Albrecht Dürer, without any doubt," said Metzger, "This has been the very first occasion where I did not answer 'it's a copy, it's a fake.'"
The drawing was purchased by a Concord resident for $30, but the piece could be worth up to tens of millions of dollars.
WBZ's Matt Shearer (@MattWBZ) reports.
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