Photo: Courtesy of the Connecticut Fish and Wildlife Department.
HARTFORD, CT (WBZ NewsRadio) — On Wednesday, the Connecticut Fish and Wildlife Department shared images of a black bear cub that had gotten its head stuck inside a large plastic container, couple with words encouraging responsible litter disposal.
Officials say CT DEEP Wildlife Biologists responded to a report of the bear the week before, and that given the warm climate and tight fit of the container, time was of the essence to free its head.
"After waiting for the cub to come down from a tree, it was successfully tranquilized, and the clear plastic container was removed," the Wildlife Department said on Facebook.
The cub was not harmed during the ordeal, and once freed, it rejoined its mother who was waiting nearby, officials said.
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The Wildlife Department reminded the public that these kinds of situations can be prevented by properly securing trash and recyclables. Officials say items like balloons, fishing lines, or plastic containers can endanger wildlife through ingestion or entanglement.
Officials supplied residents living in areas with black bears with ways to coexist with the animals safely.
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