Photo: Getty Images
NORWOOD, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — For Easter dinner, the lines are out the door for the ham at the Honey Baked Ham Company in Norwood just off Route 1.
Staff at the Honey Baked Ham say that they've been swamped this week from the minute they open to the moment they close. WBZ's Chris Fama scouted out the long line of customers, where some said they had been camped outside the Honey Baked Ham since before dawn.
"I waited for over an hour," said one customer, "I love the taste of it."
"I love the ham- the wait is just what it is. I waited at Christmas too- nowadays you stand in line for everything it seems. You got to sit in line to gas too," another customers said.
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Employees call the influx of customers leading up to Easter the "Ham Procrastinators," or people who wait for the last minute to buy themselves a holiday ham.
"Saturday we're expected to do over eighty grand here in the store. Last year, the line was down the corner and wrapped all the way around in front of the store behind us. People said they were waiting in line for three to four hours," said a Honey Baked Ham worker.
WBZ's Chris Fama (@CFamaWBZ) reports.
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