Cyanobacteria Bloom Detected At Middle Pond In Lake Cochituate

Photo: Suzanne Sausville/WBZ NewsRadio

NATICK, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — A public health warning is out about a cyanobacteria bloom found in the Middle Pond section of Lake Cochituate in Natick.

Cyanobacteria blooms, also known as blue-green algae blooms, may release toxins that can be harmful to aquatic and human life, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Exposure could result in skin rashes, eye irritations, respiratory problems, or other issues.

"During a bloom it is strongly advised that the public should not have contact with the water," the Department of Conservation and Recreation said in a release Friday. "Additionally, pet owners should keep their animals away from the shoreline to prevent them from ingesting the water.

DCR officials will keep testing the water until cyanobacteria levels are within acceptable limits.

The same day the warning was announced, visitors to Middle Pond were met with caution signs and orange plastic mesh fencing lining the water.

"It’s not exactly the most sturdy fence," Jimmy told WBZ NewsRadio. "I think you can get right underneath it. So someone’s trying to get in the water, they’re gonna go in."

That someone was Jimmy, who took a quick swim with his dog.

"He’s been in it, I’ve been in it. Nah, it hasn’t made anybody sick or anything. I haven’t been stressing about it," Jimmy said. "As far as just going in, a quick dip, it doesn’t scare me at all."

Cory came to swim, but had to settle for sunbathing in her pink bikini.

"I don’t trust it now. I don’t want to come out with three arms," Cory said. "It kinda bummed me out because it’s kinda hot today and I wanted to swim."

"It’s a little depressing, but, you know, I bring food and I bring drinks and stuff," said Bill. "I get by all right."

WBZ's Suzanne Sausville (@WBZSausville) reports.

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