Photo: Madison Rogers/WBZ NewsRadio
DANVERS, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Paris, France may have the 2024 Summer Olympics, but Danvers has the Senior Olympics.
Local seniors on six teams representing PACE Senior Day Centers from the North Shore and Merrimack Valley were competing in several events at the Indoor Sports Complex in Danvers on Thursday.
Cornhole, frisbee toss, and one-pin bowling were among the events.
John Coolang of Element Care, which operates the senior centers, said the competition that's been running since 2011 is a great way for seniors to interact and socialize with others from across the region. "I think for the participants it gives them a chance to meet other participants in the organization and compete and have fun."
Meanwhile, Joe from Methuen said meeting other people is great, but so is competing. "Every muscle in my body tingles," he said. "I look forward to this every year, and I will look forward to it for the rest of my life."
WBZ NewsRadio's Madison Rogers (@Madison WBZ) reports.
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