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BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — If you're tired of the small talk, and love memes, one new dating app may be the perfect match for you.
Schmooze launches at several Boston universities in April, joining the arsenal of dating apps available. But setting Schmooze apart, users swipe on memes rather than the faces or photos on people's profiles.
"It's the fastest growing Meme-based dating app where you swipe memes instead of people and get matched based on your sense of humor," said Schmooze Regional Manager Clare Duffy.
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WBZ's Matt Shearer took to the streets of Boston to find out if locals are anticipating the new software.
While some said they would use the service, others said they are "more superficial," and that they would like to see the face of the person they are talking to.
Stanford-designed Schmooze said that eventually users can see their matches' faces, but that it takes getting to know their meme preferences first.
WBZ's Matt Shearer (@MattWBZ) reports.
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