Photo: Courtesy of the Dennis Police Department.
DENNIS, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — With May being Mental Health Awareness Month, the Dennis Police Department is looking to showcase their new Mental Health Task Force at a meet-and-greet later in the month.
Police say residents will have the chance to meet their Mental Health Task Force at a relaxed mingle on Thursday, May 19 at the Dennis Public Library.
The DPD's group of three clinicians, a victim advocate, and five specially trained officers was unveiled at the end of 2021, and even in its early beginnings, officials say the team has already found success in jail diversion, resource referrals, and establishing new relationships.
Read More: Dennis Police Department Creates Mental Health Task Force
"It's helped us get people in need of help the appropriate help instead of introducing them into the criminal justice system. They're really seeing great strides rather than sitting in a jail cell for weeks or months. A lot of the crime we see- there's a component of mental health," Sergeant Ryan Carr told WBZ's Tim Dunn.
Officials also say non-profit agency partners will be at the meet-and-greet as well, for residents who may want to inquire more about mental health, substance use disorder, and the available local resources that provide support.
WBZ's Tim Dunn (@ConsiderMeDunn) reports.
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