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BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — With Boston at the tail end of winter, the Esplanade Association is putting on a public arts display that showcases flowers on ice for the weekend.
The public ice art exhibition, "Frozen in Life" was created by artist Anna Thurber, who the EA said has been refining a nuanced process of creating unique ice compositions with botanicals and photographing the results for over a decade.
"It's a 40 piece botanical ice sculpture gallery. [Thurber] has taken plantings, flowers, and blooms from the Esplanade throughout the course of the last year in peak season, and frozen them or suspended them in ice," said EA Executive Director Michael Nichols.
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According to the EA, their past couple of decades have been dedicated to revitalizing the Charles River Esplanade, including collaborations with local artists who have done murals, lightshows, and music concerts in the past. Nichols said that the art livens up the area, but also acts as a sort of graffiti deterrent as well.
But "Frozen in Life" arrives in a class of its own, Nichols said.
"This is something very different. We wanted to highlight the horticultural offerings within the park to comment on the fragility of plant life on the Esplanade in a time of climate change. Seeing the exhibits and sculptures in different states will really have a profound impact on members of the public," Nichols said.
The exhibit was set to be showcased on Fiedler Field between March 18 to Sunday, March 20 as a free attraction.
WBZ's Chris Fama (@CFamaWBZ) reports.
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