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EVERETT, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — An Everett City Councilor is being criticized for circulating a racist meme on the Internet last week.
On Tuesday, Ward 3 City Councilor Anthony DiPierro apologized on Twitter for his actions.
According to the Boston Globe, the message that DiPierro traded with others became public by a report from the Everett Leader-Herald, and along with two others make reference to the n-word.
"I have had time to reflect and I recognize that my actions were wrong and I take full responsibility for them. I am sincerely sorry for the hurt I have caused to members of my community," DiPierro wrote.
The city official went on to say that he has served Everett for nearly a decade, and that if the community gives him the chance, he will prove that he is a better person. DiPierro also said he will be enrolling in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training.
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Guerline Alcy Jabouin, a black resident of Everett, said DiPierro should resign his seat, as the Globe reported.
“It breaks my heart to hear from a sitting councilor talking about a derogatory word about Black people,” Jabouin said. “It hurts more to know that the city’s not doing anything about this.”
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