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SEABROOK, N.H. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Several New Hampshire beaches had to be evacuated Tuesday morning after a siren went off at the Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant but turns out, it was a false alarm.
Beachgoers in Rye, Hampton, and Seabrook were alerted about and could hear the emergency sirens at the beach, but the plant and local authorities said the siren was an "inadvertent alert" and that there was no actual emergency at the plant. The siren went off at around 11 a.m.
One beachgoer told WBZ's Shari Small when he heard the siren he had no idea it was coming from the plant, but it did remind him of the duck-and-cover drills he had to do in school during the Cold War.
"It was kind of like when I was in elementary school in Brooklyn and we'd have to go under our desks," he said. "Whether it was the power plant or not, if somebody drops some stuff on us we wouldn't know what happened to us."
Another resident said he didn't hear the sirens directly, but got an alert on his phone about it being a false alarm.
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"I was at work and everyone's phone started going off," he said. "On the thing, it said something about a false alarm at the nuclear power plant in Seabrook."
A spokesperson for NextEra, the plant's owners, told WBZ TV the sirens went off because of an error during testing.
WBZ's Shari Small (@ShariSmallNews) reports.
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