Photo: Getty Images
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — Amid a national Hepatitis A virus outbreak, the United States Food and Drug Administration is recommending residents do not eat, serve, or sell FreshKampo or HEB brand organic strawberries that were purchased between March 5 and April 25, 2022.
The FDA issued the advisory on Saturday, saying that afflicted brand strawberries should not be consumed even if they were frozen after purchase.
Officials say the FreshKampo and HEB brand products were sold at the following stores:
- Aldi
- Kroger
- Safeway
- Sprouts Farmers Market
- Trader Joe’s
- Walmart
- Weis Markets
- WinCo Foods
Officials also recommend that residents who do not know when, where, or what brand strawberries they purchased, throw out the stored fruit out of precaution.
As of Saturday, the FDA reports there have been 17 cases of Hepatitis A nationwide as a part of this outbreak beginning in late March.
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Tracing back, officials say investigation revealed that multiple hospitalized victims bought FreshKampo or HEB strawberries prior to falling ill, though the FDA's investigation is still ongoing.
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