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RHODE ISLAND (WBZ NewsRadio) – The former owners of the infamous Station Nightclub are speaking out about the fire that killed 100 people in 2003.
The fire occurred at the club in West Warwick, Rhode Island after the band Great White lit pyrotechnics that ignited non-fire-resistance soundproofing.
Now the nightclub’s owners, Michael and Jeffrey Derderian have posted documents on Facebook detailing how the show systems failed.
The Derderian brothers have posted on a page called “Station Nightclub Answers.” The various documents describe what kind of soundproofing was purchase, fire inspector reports and more.
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Dave Kane lost his son Nicholas in the fire. He was the youngest casualty at just 18 years old. Kane said he is not impressed with what the brothers have done.
“I will only be against them and angry about them as long as my son is dead.”
The owners also appeared on CBS’s “48 Hours.”
WBZ’s Karyn Regal (@Karynregal) has more:
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