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FRAMINGHAM, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — After class Monday, all students were told to go home when the bell rings, even students involved in after school activities and athletics. According to a statement by Framingham Public Schools Wednesday, all schools were to suspend all extra-curricular activities for two weeks. a decision that came as a result of COVID-19 testing pools that found a significant increase in positive cases following winter break.
The City of Framingham website said that since December 29, 1,387 tested positive, marking the largest 7-day increase of any recent surge and at least 1,700 residents with COVID-19 as of Wednesday.
FPS said that after school activities will be put on hold until midnight on January 21, including athletics, arts, and clubs. The suspension also means there will be no late buses for the middle and high schools, officials said.
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COVID-19 response protocols will also be shifting, FPS officials said, from a Test-and-Stay program to focus on a pooled testing program. The aim was to identify individuals who have COVID-19 and send them home to prevent the spread, FPS said in their statement.
Community Facebook pages hosted hundreds of comments from those against the pause, discussing a potential organization and protest. Other residents defended the pause, but said that it may be too little too late.
WBZ's Matt Shearer (@MattWBZ) reports.
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