Photo: James Rojas/WBZ NewsRadio
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — A Suffolk County Superior Court judge said she needs more time to decide if a women's professional soccer team can move into Franklin Park's White Stadium.
Neighborhood residents and the Emerald Necklace Conservancy called on the judge to block the move in the first hearing in their lawsuit against the City of Boston, Boston Unity Soccer Partners and the Trustees of the George Robert White Fund Wednesday.
In the lawsuit, the conservancy argued the project would "fundamentally alter the nature and feel of a significant portion of Franklin Park."
The stadium has been public property for 74 years, but Boston Unity Soccer Partners is a private company.
Track, cross country and football teams from some Boston Public Schools already call the stadium home.
If the Boston Unity soccer team moved in, those teams would be out of a field for part of the year.
WBZ NewsRadio's Jay Willett (@JayWillettWBZ) reports.
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