Photo: Kim Tunnicliffe (WBZ NewsRadio)
FRANKLIN, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — The hills will be alive with The Sound of Music in Franklin, but only when the roles have been filled.
The Franklin Performing Arts Company will be performing their version of the award-winning musical by Rodgers and Hammerstein in October, and are looking for young actors and actresses to play the roles of the seven Von Trapp children.
"We are looking for the Boston area's most talented young people to play those parts. They will share the stage with New York professionals," Executive Director Raye Lynn Mercer told WBZ.
So far the company has received about 300 video submissions of children and young adults auditioning for the roles.
When asked what they are looking for in a performer, Mercer said, "Great singers, young people who move well, but more importantly they need to be great actors."
The musical will run Oct. 14-23 at THE BLACK BOX in Franklin.
WBZ's Kim Tunnicliffe (@KimWBZ) has more.
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