Photo: Courtesy of the Freetown Police Department.
FREETOWN, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — On Friday, the Freetown Police Department posted photos of vandalized headstones at White Cemetery on Keene Road, reaching out to the public to help find those responsible.
Photo: Courtesy of the Freetown Police Department.
Officials say they discovered that 34 headstones and memorial markers had been defaced Friday morning, according to the graveyard's caretaker. FPD said that this is the second instance of vandalism at a Freetown cemetery within the past two months.
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Police shared photos of the red spray paint graffiti on Facebook, and said one of the headstones had a swastika painted on it. Some markers had messages too, like "Catch me if you can," and "I will be back."
Photo: Courtesy of the Freetown Police Department.
FPD asked that anyone with information related to the incident contact Freetown Detective Shane Kelley at 508-763-4017.
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