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BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — Secretary of the Commonwealth Bill Galvin is proposing new legislation that would help non-profits that assist Massachusetts residents who cannot afford to heat their homes.
The legislation is in reaction to the price of home heating oil reaching $6 per gallon and money for fuel assistance drying up.
"These are people who were already qualified to receive assistance, but unfortunately the agencies providing them assistance have run out of funds, because the cost they've been paying for home heating assistance has been so high," Galvin told WBZ.
Galvin's proposal is a $10 million appropriation as part of a state supplementary budget bill. It would double the proposed amount of funding available to non-profits such as the Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD).
Earlier this week, Galvin called for an investigation into the recent rise in gas and oil prices In Massachusetts, citing possible price gouging.
WBZ's Shari Small (@ShariSmallNews) reports.
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