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BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — The battle between Apple and android phone users is heating up with Google saying it plans to open a store next year on Newbury Street in Boston.
Boston Business Journal reports the store will take up the first floor of a mixed-use space at 149 Newbury St., and part of the second floor for storage.
Google’s parent company Alphabet Inc. is challenging the dominance of Apple stores by locating its own stores in strategic locations, Boston one of them.
New York City has two Google stores. Mountainview, California, where Alphabet started, just opened a new Google store last month.
Some iPhone users shopping on Newbury St. were welcoming the new competition but this one said there’s no chance he’d ever give up Apple products. “No there’s no competition,” he laughed. “I’m iPhone for life.”
Another said that competition is healthy, and in the end, customers benefit. “Apple knows their customers, but if Google wants to open their own stores, good for them, that’s good for their clientele.”
WBZ’s James Rojas (@JamesRojasMM) reports.
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