Jennifer Barr, posing with Stop & Shops' new oversized Allston Christmas bag.Photo: Chaiel Schaffel/WBZ NewsRadio
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — With the annual migration of college students to Boston underway, Allston's new Stop & Shop is marking the season, too.
The store is giving out limited edition, tongue-in-cheek "Allston Christmas" reusable shopping bags.
For those not already in the know, "Allston Christmas" is the time-honored tradition of college students on the move leaving behind some of their unwanted belongings and furniture on local sidewalks when their leases flip over on Sept. 1.
The vast majority of Boston leases end on Aug. 31 and start on Sept. 1.
Others pick through the piles of stuff to see what free, abandoned treasures they can unearth.
Stop & Shop's Allston Store is giving away the oversized bags with purchases of $25 or more.
The designs on the bag pay tribute to the beloved Boston tradition, including sidewalks covered in furniture and even a truck that's been 'Storrowed.'
The bags are also being handed out at the Mission Hill store.
The bags are the brainchild of Stop & Shop Director of Community Relations Jennifer Barr, who said they're meant to celebrate a niche community event. "I would say it would fit a lamp, a framed photo," she said. "You're not going to get a couch in there, but it's big enough to collect some good treasures."
The idea, she said, was to keep in step with Allston's young population.
People in the neighborhood tend to be close to college-age or young professionals and have a well-documented flair for art, music, and comedic irony.
And it's not just bags the store is hawking.
Santa Claus will be stopping by on Saturday and Sunday, and the store will be playing some Christmas tunes to celebrate.
Stop & Shop said the bags are available until September 1st while supplies last.
WBZ NewsRadio's Chaiel Schaffel (@CSchaffelWBZ) reports.
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