Photo: Getty Images
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) – The world’s largest rowing regatta is back after being canceled last year because of the pandemic.
The regatta resembled that of the holiday season with many warm reunions and lots of hugging and smiling with eyes under the mandatory mask mandate Friday morning.
However, the most exciting part of the whole weekend for organizers was the registration.
“It’s like Christmas Eve,” said Alice Taggarts, registration co-chair. During the opening, Taggarts was feeling the love in the air from all those who came out to commemorate the event.
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“Things are getting underway and it’s always exciting on Friday,” she said. “Everybody’s getting ready to race [and] there’s still all the promise of tomorrow.”
The Head of the Charles Regatta was founded in 1965 and features more than 11,000 athletes from around the world. Competitor ages range from teenagers to 90-year-olds.
WBZ’s Kendall Buhl (@WBZKendall) was there:
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