Photo: Suzanne Sausville/WBZ NewsRadio
DEDHAM, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Despite the cold drizzle on Sunday, Dedham, Mass. residents celebrated their 33rd annual Dedham Day.
The Friends of Dedham Recreation set up rides, games and lots of food at Memorial Field. They even had a beer and wine tent where folks could watch the Patriots game.
The main attraction was the annual Cow Plop, where one lucky person can win $5,000 if Sarah the cow leaves a gift on their plot of land.
“We have 3,000 plots,” said Chair of the Parks and Recreation Commission Lisa Farnham. “People buy a plot for $10 each and then they hope that the cow poops in their plot.”
Each plot on the field was one square yard. The first plot Sarah makes a deposit on takes home the grand prize.
WBZ’s Suzanne Sausville (@wbzSausville) reports.
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