Ipswich CVS Accidentally Gives Out Wrong Dose Of Covid-19 Vaccine

IPSWICH, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — After receiving their first shot of the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine at the CVS Pharmacy in Ipswich this week, some customers were later informed that they received the wrong dose.

The pharmacy said the mistake was because of human error; although the labels on the vial specified the proper dose for the Moderna vaccine, the pharmacist giving the shot had been previously distributing the Pfizer vaccine, and mixed up the dosages.

According to federal health guidelines, the recommended dose of the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine is half a milliliter, and the Pfizer dose is three-tenths of a milliliter.

Pharmacy staff have since contacted all the affected patients to apologize, and the company said the customers do not need to come back until they get their second dose. They said based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the smaller dose should still be sufficient in protecting from Covid-19.

CVS said it has taken the necessary steps to ensure the error does not happen again. They did not specify how many patients received the incorrect dose.

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Written by Rachel Armany

(Photo: Getty Images)

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