Photo: Salem Black Hat Society/Instagram
SALEM, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — A local spell casting witch from the haunted town of Salem has taken their performance to America’s biggest audience. The character’s name is BORAH! , and TV audiences across the country will see the results of his performance for themselves on Tuesday’s episode of America’s Got Talent.
BORAH! is often seen greeting the many tourists and visitors that come to visit Salem all year long. When he is not disguised in character, the man goes by the name of Brian Sims, who has been working hard on his act to impress the likes of the judges on the show, Simon Cowell, Heidi Klum, Sofia Vergara, and Howie Mandel.
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“I went out there, I did my thing, but I took it in as best I could and it flew by fast,” Sims said describing the experience.
While Brian was not allowed to tell WBZ NewsRadio about how his performance was received by the audience or the judges, he did say that the judges and the show’s host Terry Crews were incredibly easy and fun to work with.
“You could just feel his positive, happy energy like, exuding from his pores,” Sims added.
Sims also said that he is curious as to how his act will be received on Tuesday’s episode of the hit show.
“It could make me [out to be] like a total nutjob, which BORAH! is,” Sims quipped.
You can learn more about BORAH! by visiting his website and Instagram.
Tuesday’s episode of America’s Got Talent airs at 8 p.m. on NBC and Peacock.
WBZ NewsRadio’s James Rojas (@JamesRojasMMJ) reports.
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