Local Shop In Walpole Celebrates National Donut Day Their Own Way

Photo: Suzanne Sausville/WBZ NewsRadio

WALPOLE, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Friday is National Donut Day, and Duck Donuts in Walpole is getting some good business today as people are coming into their shop to mark the occasion. WBZ NewsRadio spoke to local man Pierre, who bought two dozen from Duck Donuts for his office.  

“My coworker recommended them to me, so I wanted to get some for everyone at the company,” he said.  

Inside the donut shop, workers were busy dipping vanilla cake donuts into different colored glazes, sprinkling them with things like sprinkles, cookie crumbs or even bacon.

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WBZ NewsRadio also spoke to owner Rakesh, who said that every donut in his shop is made to order.  

“We don’t have anything on the shelf, the customer comes in, places their order, and then we fry the donut and top it for them,” he said.  

Also on the menu, a donut sandwich. This is just like your typical breakfast sandwich, except swap out a bun or a bagel for a donut on the outside. This customer, Jim, was sitting outside the shop in his car feeling a bit stuffed after eating one of those.  

“I shouldn’t have had it, but it was good!" he said laughing.  

WBZ NewsRadio’s Suzanne Sausville (@WBZSausville) reports. 

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