Longtime Quincy Diner Is Closing Its Doors After 77 Years In Business

Photo: Jim MacKay/WBZ NewsRadio

 QUINCY, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — After 77 years in business, the Wheelhouse Diner in North Quincy is closing its doors to make way for a new development project.  

The diner was prepared to fight an eviction in court, but decided to settle and close their doors, which will see its final day of business on June 30.  

WBZ NewsRadio spoke to local resident Lori, who has been coming to the diner for longtime.

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“I come here Tuesday and Thursday morning[s] for breakfast, [and] they treat us like family!” she said. “It’s really special, you don’t see [places like] this very much."

The closing of the Wheelhouse Diner is the latest in a series of major changes in Quincy to make way for new developments and restaurants in the South Shore community.

“Next time I come up, if they’re still here, I’m here,” added another loyal customer.  

“I consider them friends, and the food is fantastic,” added another.  

WBZ NewsRadio's Jim MacKay (@JimMacKayOnAir) reports. 

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