Photo: Madison Rogers/WBZ NewsRadio
MALDEN, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — A nonprofit has created a vegetable meal concoction to help people eat healthy foods for less money and less effort.
Sara and Beans, the creators behind Malden’s Veggie Mush, said their meals are a carefully selected, nutritionally balanced assortment of veggies.
“This is the umami mush. It has the same oat and bean base, but it also has mushrooms, tomatoes, carrots, and kale in it,” said Beans.
The pair said they eat the concoction for almost every meal, and these days they are running a nonprofit that brings Veggie Mush to more people.
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Veggie Mush originated a few years ago when Beans was a founder of a tech startup and Sara was a graduate student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and they decided they wanted to eat healthier.
“We did a bunch of research,” said Beans, and they came up with the idea for Veggie Mush.
Photo: Madison Rogers/WBZ NewsRadio
Beans and Sara said they want more people to try Veggie Mush, despite its humble appearance.
“I think a lot of people’s reaction is, ‘Oh, this is actually pretty good,’” said Sara.
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“Ultimately, what we want to do is we want to help more people eat healthy and live healthy lives,” said Beans.
The goal of Veggie Mush is to help people prepare meals and eat more plants in a more affordable, accessible, and convenient way.
“Whether you eat Veggie Mush for almost every meal (like we do) or eat it just when you're behind on meal prep and need something easy, we hope Veggie Mush makes you healthier and happier,” shared their website.
Veggie Mush starts at $2 per meal.
WBZ NewsRadio's Madison Rogers (@MadisonWBZ) reports.
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