Photo: Shari Small/WBZ NewsRadio
MALDEN, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Students and teachers are back in the classroom in Malden Tuesday after the teachers union and the school committee struck a deal to end a teacher's strike Monday night.
The new tentative three-year deal ends the strike that only lasted one day. All public schools in Malden had classes canceled for the day and about 600 teachers spent the day on the picket lines calling for a new contract. Neither side offered any information about the terms of the new deal outside of its length.
The new contract must be ratified by both the Malden School Committee and the Malden Education Association. The MEA wrote in a Facebook post that the union will hold virtual meetings Tuesday night to go over the terms of the new deal, which it described as having "numerous improvements, substantial financial gains, and no givebacks."
Malden Public Schools wrote in a statement that the district is ready to move forward after reaching the deal.
"We know that this period of uncertainty has been difficult for parents, students, and staff," the statement reads. "We are hopeful that the proposal that received preliminary approval at the bargaining table tonight marks the beginning of a new chapter for our school district, in which we all move forward together to engage in the vital work of teaching and learning."
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Teachers in Haverhill are still on strike Tuesday, however, after Monday's negotiations failed to result in a deal. An Essex County Judge issued a temporary restraining order Monday night to try to prevent Haverhill teachers from continuing the strike, writing that students would suffer "suffer immediate and irreparable injury" if the strike was not ended. School is canceled in Haverhill for the second day.
WBZ's Drew Moholland (@DrewWBZ) reports.
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