Manchester Police Need Help Naming Their New Comfort Dog

MANCHESTER, NH (WBZ NewsRadio) — The Manchester police department is asking for help selecting a name for their new comfort dog.

The department narrowed the choices down to five selections, but needs your help to pick a winner.

All five of the final suggestions had to have special meaning for the police department and/or the city of Manchester, like Patch, short for dispatch — the police unit citizens call for help.

Other selections include Amos, which means "to carry" in Hebrew and is short for Amoskeag, the rushing falls that helped contribute to Manchester's industrial history. Rex translates to King in Latin, a play on Manchester's nickname of the Queen City.

The choice Harry comes from the the area first settled by colonists called Old Harry's Town, while Sam is short for Samuel Blodgett, an early American lawyer and industrialist who founded the city of Manchester.

You can cast your vote here.

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