Photo: Chris Fama / WBZ
MARSHFIELD, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) – After a two-year delay, a town on the south shore officially opened a home for those who chose to serve the nation.
While the calendar may say Veterans Day, for some it feels more like the holiday season. As the Director of Veterans’ Services in Marshfield, Carin Paulette said this day is like her Christmas.
“It cannot get any better,” Paulette said. “It is the best.”
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As a veteran herself, Paulette has been a part in every step toward converting a 19th century structure on Ocean Street into an affordable living space for veterans. The building used to be an elementary school as well as a paint shop.
The project began two years ago and last February a fire caused severe structural damage and delayed the home’s opening. Finally, on Thursday, the structure was completed and those involved gathered to celebrate the occasion by raising a flag in honor of those who will soon call it home.
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“I can’t wait for them to move in, everything is brand new. It looks fabulous and it’s a great place for housing our veterans,” Paulette said.
The grand opening ceremony happened at 12:00 p.m. after the town hosted its Veterans Day Parade and Ceremony.
WBZ’s Chris Fama (@CFamaWBZ) was there:
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