Study: Mass. Ranks 10th In Country For Highest Annual Car Insurance Costs

Photo: WBZ NewsRadio

BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — According to new research, Mass. drivers are paying some of the country's most expensive car insurance payments.

MarketWatch Guides compared annual car insurance costs in the nation and found that Mass. drivers were paying an average of $873 dollars a year. The Commonwealth was ranked the 10th most expensive state for car insurance payments.

Read More: Mass. Ranked 19th In U.S. For Pothole Problems

Driving habits are not the only factor behind the high costs. More drivers on the road, more severe weather and pricier auto repairs are also to blame. The study also found that just under 9 percent of drivers in Mass. are uninsured.

WBZ NewsRadio’s James Rojas asked residents about the ranking and no one was shocked.

“No, I’m not surprised at all,” said one resident.

“Yeah, it probably makes sense,” said another resident.

“I figured it was number 1. I’m [86 years old], you know, I’m number 1 on everything,” said another resident.

WBZ NewsRadio's James Rojas (@JamesRojasMMJ) reports.

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