Massachusetts Nears 450,000 Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — The Massachusetts Department of Public Health reported another 4,283 confirmed cases of COVID-19 Sunday, bringing the state's total number of confirmed cases to 448,311.

Health officials also announced on Sunday the first case of the COVID-19 variant B.1.1.7 in Massachusetts, the more contagious variant of coronavirus initially discovered in the United Kingdom.

Read More: First Case Of U.K. Variant Of COVID-19 Confirmed In Massachusetts

The state DPH reported another 67 deaths among COVID-19 cases in Massachusetts Sunday, upping the state's confirmed coronavirus death toll to 13,372.

The estimated number of active cases of the virus in Massachusetts, signifying the number of patients with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis in the past 21 days, has risen to 98,476.

There are now 2,165 patients hospitalized with COVID-19 across the Commonwealth, 433 of whom are receiving intensive care.

The state's seven-day average rate of positive coronavirus tests has dropped from around 8.5 percent at the start of the month to 5.86 percent on Sunday.

According to Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Research Center, the U.S. has confirmed close to 24 million cases of COVID-19, and more than 397,000 Americans have died of the virus to date.

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Written by Brit Smith

(Photo: Getty Images)

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