Emotions were running high as Mattahunt principal Walter Henderson was joined on stage by teachers during the awards ceremony. Photo: Chaiel Schaffel/WBZ NewsRadio
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — The Mattahunt Elementary School in Mattapan has won the prestigious 'School on the Move' award.
Three Boston schools were finalists: Boston Adult Technical Academy in Bay Village, Josiah Quincy Elementary School in Chinatown, and Mattahunt.
The winner was announced at a ceremony held Tuesday at the Westin Copley.
The $100,000 prize recognizes the area's most improved school, as well as the school's 'leaders, and teachers who create and continuously improve learning environments where all students can thrive.'
Mattahunt was one the state's poorest performing schools, but following a nine-year improvement plan, the school is now being honored as the city's most-improved school.
At the award ceremony, Mattahunt principal Walter Henderson acknowledged the school's effort to get better. "We were one of the lowest performing schools in the state," he said. "But you know, that set-back was just a set-up for a comeback."
He got emotional when he acknowledged the patience of his wife Martine as he and his team worked long hours during the school's turn-around. "Martine, thank you so much for being patient with me on those weekends when I said 'I had to go to the building,' and you were like 'Why?' This is why!"
Both of the runners-up received a $20,000 prize.
Boston Mayor Michelle Wu and Boston Superintendent of Schools Mary Skipper were among the speakers and presenters.
The 'School on the Move' program is sponsored by Edvestors, an organization devoted to school improvement.
WBZ News Radio's Chaiel Schaffel (@CSchaffelWBZ) reports.
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