MEDFORD, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Late Sunday night, residents in a Medford neighborhood battened down the hatches as what they say was a microburst ripped through town, knocking down trees and cutting the local power.
"First it started thundering, then the rain, and then all of the sudden, that big wind and then the trees— we were shocked. We came out and it looked like a warzone," Medford resident Kathleen Pasquale told WBZ's Shari Small.
The damage was evident throughout Johnson Avenue on Monday, as downed trees were found layered over the sidewalk.
Photo: Shari Small / WBZ NewsRadio
Pasquale said the storm was almost like a tornado, as the area of impact formed a circle of debris that was left behind. Members of the Medford's public works were cleaning up branches and shredding tress with wood chippers.
"I was so windy I can't even explain it— it was crazy. Everything just went off," Pasquale said.
Photo: Shari Small / WBZ NewsRadio
WBZ's Shari Small (@ShariSmallNews) reports.
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