Photo: Suzanne Sausville/WBZ NewsRadio
MEDWAY, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Residents and town officials alike are not happy that the main post office in Medway has closed.
Town Manager Michael Boynton said the U.S. Postal Service shut it down without even telling anyone.
“They just simply abruptly closed the doors,” said Boynton. “The postal service made a decision to close the Medway branch and really didn’t take any input from anybody.”
There is no mail box, no signs, just some old desks and file cabinet stacked up by a nearby dumpster. Boynton says there is only a handwritten note on the door telling residents to use another post office two miles down the street.
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Select Board Member Dennis Crowley said that information wasn't even correct. Residents have to go to Bellingham for full service.
"I've driven to Bellingham from my house, and it took me 22 minutes if you hit all the lights," Crowley said.
There is another small office in Medway that's currently only open a few hours a day. It will expand its hours beginning on Thursday. But, residents are also concerned because there are only two parking spaces, and it is not ADA compliant.
One resident is worried about his grandmother.
"There's no handicap parking. It's not even [actual] parking, that's the bike lane over there, not a parking spot. You'd have to park across the street" he said.
In a statement to WBZ NewsRadio, the U.S. Postal Service said the lease on the Medway office "was not renewed. A decision was made to move Medway operations to our Bellingham office while we review alternatives."
WBZ NewsRadio's Suzanne Sausville (@wbzSausville) reports
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