Photo: Chaiel Schaffel/WBZ NewsRadio
BILLERICA, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — A miniature airport hides in plain sight in Billerica, Mass.
The Middlesex County R-C Flying Field is located at Billerica’s Vietnam Veterans Park, featuring two long strips of mowed grass, workstations and a wooden gazebo. Instead of hopping in an airplane, the Middlesex County R-C Fliers (MCRCF) grab remote controls to fly combustion-powered, radio-controlled planes.
The land was given to MCRCF years ago because the town did not want to see it go to waste.
“Because it’s not really useful for much of anything, it’s a good place to fly R-C,” said MCRCF Director Dan Micalizzi.
Micalizzi said there are at least 1,000 airfields like this one across the country if you know where to look. R-C planes are becoming an increasingly popular hobby for aviation enthusiasts of all levels.
“There are people that fly [these] models and they really don’t know how they’re working exactly, but they know that they work,” said Mel Suarez.
WBZ NewsRadio's Chaiel Schaffel (@CSchaffelWBZ) reports.
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