The kittens touched down in New Bedford just before noon on Tuesday. Photo: Courtesy of MSPCA-Angell
NEW BEDFORD, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Cat fans may want to keep their eyes on this one. A rescue flight of more than 100 kittens from Louisiana landed in New Bedford Tuesday morning. The kittens had been kept in shelters around the state and were flown up to Massachusetts by the GoodFlights Program.
The program, run by Greater Good Charities and, airlifts "country’s most at-risk pet populations" to places that will take the animals. The cats will need to wait out a 48-hour quarantine, but can then be adopted.
70 of the kittens are being kept at the Northeast Animal Shelter in Salem, while the other roughly 30 kittens are at the MSPCA-Cape Cod.
The two centers are trying to find the animals a home quickly by offering adoption events this Friday and Saturday, and said anyone interested could RSVP.
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