Photo: Nichole Davis/WBZ NewsRadio
Boston (WBZ NewsRadio) — Move-in week 2023 has passed and the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) said it did not have any reports of bridge strikes, or so-called 'storrowings,' in the last week. One vehicle had to be backed out of Storrow Drive, but this is a pleasant surprise for Boston and Cambridge residents.
DCR recently went viral for their public service announcement with Sarah McLachlan’s “Angel” playing in the background.
Read More: Mass. DCR New PSA On 'Storrowing': "The Bridges And Trucks Will Thank You"
“For just $0 a day, you can not hit a bridge or an overpass on Storrow Drive and Soldiers Field Road in Boston, and Memorial Drive in Cambridge,” the PSA said.
DCR also posted new signage to alert movers that they need to find another route.
WBZ NewsRadio's James Rojas (@JamesRojasMMJ) reports
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