Photo: Courtesy of MSPCA-Angell
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — The Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals – Angell Animal Medical Center rescued 25 dogs from a small rescue operation in Texas that could no longer take care of them.
The MSPCA-Angell has partnered with American Humane and Bissell Pet Foundation to help the dogs, who arrived at Hanscom Field in Bedford on Tuesday.
Then, they were transported to and split between all four of the MSPCA’s Adoption Centers.
The dogs range from 12 weeks to 10 years old and are mostly mixed large breeds such as pit bulls, Labrador retrievers, hounds, and Catahoulas, said the MSPCA-Angell in a press release on Wednesday.
Photo: Courtesy of MSPCA-Angell
“Unfortunately, it’s near impossible to find transport partners for dogs right now, especially larger breeds, because most organizations are already full up,” explained MSPCA-Angell Vice President of Animal Protection Mike Keiley, referring to the national dog population crisis.
The MSPCA-Angell’s population has been close to capacity for the past year, said Keiley, but they were able to free up some space for the incoming dogs after a successful adoption event earlier this month.
Adoption events like Ready, Set, Dog! in April have “helped us remain in a position to help with emergency transports like this one” from the Texas rescue operation and other shelters.
Earlier this month, the MSPCA-Angell transported over a dozen dogs from New York City after a shelter couldn’t care for the animals any longer because of capacity problems.
These emergency transportation initiatives can burden staff, who have to help new arrivals get used to their new environment and match them with new homes.
“Despite all of that hard work, our team didn’t waver for one second when asked if we could pull off a transport of this size so quickly after the last one, and I’m really grateful for their dedication to helping animals in need, not to mention our amazing volunteers who are also integral to our success,” explained Keiley.
Photo: Courtesy of MSPCA-Angell
The MSPCA-Angell said that they will provide updates on the dogs’ adoption statuses on social media.
They also asked that anyone interested in donating to the nonprofit to help offset dog care costs do so on their website.
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