Photo: Suzanne Sausville / WBZ NewsRadio
NATICK, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — It's been a great week for the animals and staff at Natick Community Organic Farm— as funds come together to rebuild the historic 200-year-old barn that was burned to a crisp a couple years ago.
Names of biggest donors towards the rebuild are carved into the wood frame that make up the skeleton of the new barn. Erin O'Brien with the NCOF tells WBZ's Suzanne Sausville that the construction follows a Scandinavian tradition.
Photo: Suzanne Sausville / WBZ NewsRadio
"We put a pine bow at the top of the tallest points in the barn after the last timber is laid," O'Brien said.
Topping off a whirlwind of a week for the NCOF, goats at the farm successfully gave birth.
Photo: Suzanne Sausville / WBZ NewsRadio
Having reached the farm's $1.1 million-dollar goal of fundraising last July, work got going a few months later according to the project's Go Fund Me page. NCOF Executive Director Casey Townsend says smaller donors will also be recognized at the barn.
"At some point we'll have a plaque on one of the vertical beams for the folks who gave smaller amounts. The solar panels, the new greenhouse that we will be putting on, we'll be continuing that process as soon as we can," Townsend said.
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The barn will be equipped with a special fire alarm system.
WBZ's Suzanne Sausville (@wbzSausville) reports.
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