Photo: James Rojas/WBZ NewsRadio
NATICK, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Casey's Diner in Natick has been serving up food to loving customers for over a hundred years and now its getting some national recognition.
The foodie website Love Food put Casey's on its list of the best classic diners in the nation. The diner itself is a relic of another era of dining. It's what's known as a Worcester Lunch Car, a type of premade diner made in Worcester for years.
Casey's Diner was built back in 1922 and it's a family business that's been going on for four generations. Pat Casy told WBZ's James Rojas that a lot of the things they use every day in the diner are the same that were used by their parents and grandparents years prior.
"The steamer where we make the hot dogs comes from the original diner," Casey said. "It's at least 133 years old. The griddle is a little bit newer, we didn't put that in until about 1950. Before that, they used frying pans."
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The diner's menu included many homestyle classics, but Casey said they're known best for their Hot Dogs.
"We're always going to do them the same way," he said. "People know what to expect."
WBZ's James Rojas (@JamesRojasNews) reports.
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