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NORWOOD, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) – A severe gas leak caused concern for residents in one town south of Boston.
A big production took place in Norwood to clean up a gas leak that was identified on Churchill Drive in Victoria’s Circle.
“Between trucks and excavation equipment, leak protection equipment it was filled up with a lot of equipment and personnel,” said Norwood Department of Public Works/Town Director, Mark Ryan. He added that pinpointing the exact origin of a gas leak is extremely difficult.
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“National Grid had to excavate a couple of holes to find the actual leak,” Ryan said. However, this endeavor led crews to uncover another issue.
“When they recharged the lines, they noticed a smaller leak,” Ryan said. National Grid then had to dig for two days to find the cause of the second leak.
After residents took to social media to express their concern over outdated infrastructure underneath their homes and streets, the utility company chose to face the issue head on.
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“National Grid is paying close attention to many of the areas that have older pipes in the ground,” Ryan said. He also advised people to call their gas service provider if they smell gas inside their home.
“They take these very seriously [and] they will go out and take care of the situation.”
WBZ’s Chris Fama (@CFamaWBZ) has more:
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