Photo: Chris Fama/WBZ NewsRadio
SHARON, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — The Cooperative Nature School at The Trustees Moose Hill Farm in Sharon has received a fresh round of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding.
The school's curriculum allows its students to spend half of each day outdoors, learning about flora, fauna, and the natural world.
"All these different habitats and opportunities, the kids just flourish," said the school's naturalist Maura O'Gara. "We learn through our senses, so when we're outside, the kids are feeling it, they're seeing it, they're hearing it, they're tasting it, they're touching it. Just a real joyful way of learning about the world and how it works."
The $50,000 in ARPA funding will go towards maintaining the school's facilities, including painting, window replacement, and fencing.
WBZ's Chris Fama (@CFamaWBZ) reports.
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