New Salem Art Exhibit Focuses On Immigration Stories From Local Residents

Photo: Carl Stevens/WBZ NewsRadio

SALEM, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — A new exhibit from Salem’s Public Artist in Residence at Old Town Hall has a heavy focus on locals and their stories of immigration.

“The name of the exhibition is ‘Social Fabric’ and it is the culmination of an eight-month-long residency through the city of Salem, the Salem Public Artists and Residents,” Julia Cseko, the creator of the exhibit, told WBZ NewsRadio. “The theme or the research that I’m doing is around immigration and destigmatizing the idea of immigrants and immigrant populations.”

The art includes video interviews from Cseko with local immigrants, as well as other media, that focus on the positive impact that immigrants have made in the U.S. over the years.

“A lot of people come here for better education and that in itself just shows to me that people want to be the better selves that they can be, they want to improve themselves so that they can contribute to the country,” Cseko told WBZ NewsRadio.

Cseko herself immigrated to the United States for better education and found many of the stories she heard relate to her own.

She hopes the art will not only reduce the negative stigma behind immigrant stories but encourage members of the community to share their own backgrounds.

WBZ's Carl Stevens (@CarlWBZ) has more:

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