Photo: WBZ NewsRadio
NEWTON, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — The Newton City Council (NCC) has passed a measure to keep tobacco out of the hands of the next generation.
Originally, the NCC’s proposed ordinance sought to prohibit selling tobacco products to those born on or after Jan 1, 2000. Earlier this month, the NCC amended the ordinance so the ban would only impact those born on or after March 1, 2004, who are not currently old enough to purchase the products.
With 19 votes in favor and four against, the NCC passed the ban at a City Council Meeting on Tuesday. Councilor Alison Leary was among those in favor.
“Smoking kills more people than alcohol, car accidents, illegal drugs, murders, suicides, [and] AIDS combined,” said Leary.
The dissenters had very little pushback on the negative health effects associated with smoking but raised objections to an overbearing government.
“What this ordinance does is create a special class of adults over the age of 21 who will not be able to make a personal, legal decision for themselves,” said Councilor Stephen Farrell.
“People in this country are sick and tired of people like the [NCC] taking actions that are telling them what to do, and as a result, we have a bafoon that’s now running this country again,” said Councilor Leonard Gentile.
Brookline was the first community to pass legislation to age out tobacco consumption back in 2020. Now, roughly a dozen communities in the Commonwealth have similar bans in place.
WBZ NewsRadio’s Jay Willett (@JayWillettWBZ) reports.
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